Urgent Appeal

Dear Friends and Supporters,
As you probably know, New Art Studio has always existed on tight financial margins and its continued operation is dependent on the generosity of those who understand and appreciate the vitality of art making, and the value of art therapy for refugees and asylum seekers.
Every few years we face a funding crisis and the real threat of closure. This year is one of those years.
The financial squeeze is felt by all and we appreciate that everyone is feeling the impact of the current financial crisis, but it is precisely at a time like this that the most vulnerable are forgotten.
New Art Studio is currently facing a funding shortfall of £10,000. By raising this figure now from friends and supporters, we could continue to keep New Art Studio open until early 2023, when we are awaiting responses (and hopefully grants) from large, formal funding bodies.
We have had many success stories this year in the Studio, from group and solo exhibitions to studio members’ artwork being published and collaborating with different community projects and other charities.
So, it is with a heavy heart we ask for any donations, however small, in order to keep the Studio alive and continue with our work and support towards our members. Please visit our website to make a donation – https://www.newartstudio.org.uk/
We would also like to acknowledge your individual importance as old Studio friends, who have been instrumental in creating and maintaining New Art Studio.
Thank you, we couldn’t have done it without you.
Tania Kaczynski, Jasmin Topalusic, and Ruanna Brook, and all the members of New Art Studio.