Connect 24 Exhibition

We are delighted to be part of the fourth Connect 24 group exhibition, curated by Rod Kitson at the Art of Isolation Gallery, on the universal theme of connection in a world that can feel filled with isolation.

Opening times:
Tues – Sat 12-7 pm
Sun 11 – 5 pm
Closed Mondays

Closed: 24 – 27 Dec 
and 31 Dec – 1 Jan

The Art of Isolation
upper floor
Surrey Quays Shopping Centre
SE16 7LL

Massive thanks to @catcoulterartist and @tyeart222, who have gifted artworks to the exhibition. The artworks will be sold for donations to the fundraiser for New Art Studio. Cat’s paper stars, made from Bach sheet music, would make excellent seasonal decorations, while Sean’s 3D mini artworks, complete with 3D glasses and UV pen lights, are ideal stocking fillers.

Also, thank you, Rod, for your incredible energy in supporting New Art Studio and its fundraising for the second day and for donating your beautiful Winter Skaters on a Frozen Pond lino prints to our cause! 

We are so touched by the kindness and generosity of so many people and their support for refugees and asylum seekers, whilst the media fuels a hostile environment for real people facing real-life challenges and poor mental health as a consequence.

Creating a supporting community is vital for keeping in touch with sanity and human potential! Dear Artist and Art Lovers, YOU ARE THE BEST! 

Thank you so much! 

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