Our new exhibition at the Ben Uri Gallery: 13th – 18th June

We are very pleased to be exhibiting at the Ben Uri gallery.

Our new exhibition at the Ben Uri Gallery: 13th - 18th June.

This group of artists have suffered the effect of war and political violence. They have lost everything and now face the challenges of living on £36.95 in an often hostile environment. Processing asylum claims can take up to 10 years, during this time they exist in limbo.

The paintings in this exhibition, are sublime and extraordinary.  They reflect the resilience and sensitivity of the migrant’s story: one of loss and hope.

All artwork was made at the New Art Studio, a therapeutic art community for asylum seekers and refugees.  The studio embraces the power of artmaking as a vehicle for recovery, where asylum seekers & refugees can be artists, turning base metal into gold.

Tuesday 13 June 2017
Private view
6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Admission Free

Friday 2-4pm
Textile Workshop with artist Salah uh Din, a textile designer from Pakistan who gained his BA in Woven and Printed Textiles from UAL Central St Martins whilst living under refugee status. Book here 

Saturday 17 June 2017
Q+A with the Artists
The week will end with a Q&A by the artists at New Art Studio on Saturday 17th 12-1pm followed by a creative workshop 1-4pm. All our welcome to join please call 02076043991 to book your place or email learning@benuri.org http://benuri.org.uk/exhibitions/

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