Exhibition at Ben Uri Gallery

Private view – Tuesday 13th June. 6.30pm.
Ben Uri Gallery & Museum
108a Boundary Road (off Abbey Road),
London, NW8 0RH
While the UK faces further political instability, we have been making preparations for the Studio’s exhibition at the Ben Uri Gallery.
In times of crisis, be it political or personal, we need space and time for reflection. Art making allows for this journey to happen. Art is often the last refuge of the powerless, voiceless and disenfranchised. This collection of forty paintings reflects the often overlooked or unseen freedoms that making art unlocks.
As you may know, our work is funded by the generosity of others. We are facing a gap in our funding, and wonder if you are able to help us. We are a small project, and all donations will have a noticeable impact on the people we work to support.
If you would like to give a one off donation, please go to our justgiving page:
If you would like to give financial support to our work on an ongoing basis, or give donations of art materials please contact us